HornAgro’s Certified Seed Production Procedure

Establishing a seed production system in Somalia will be the first step in reducing the country’s dependence on food imports. HornAgro uses the 14-step process tabulated below to source appropriate seed varieties from certified Plant Breeder partners for replication/multiplication in Somalia

Sourcing VarietiesSourcing organic seed varieties with improved yields and resilience from HornAgro Plant Breeder partners
Parent Seed MultiplicationMultiplication of Breeder Seeds for distribution to seed growers in Somalia
Field SelectionHornAgro selects and validates potential seed growing fields in Somalia which meet strict land use requiremens for Organic Seed Certification
Planting Equipment SanitationDuring planting, seed growers protect quality by investing extra
time cleaning machinery and planters to remove seed of othervarieties, difficult-to-separate weeds or other crop varieties.
RoguingSeed growers inspect their crops throughout the growing season and remove off-types, other varieties, problem weeds and other crop kinds that have emerged during the season.
Field InspectionSeed crops are inspected at a specific stage of maturity during the growing season by inspectors licensed and vetted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MoAI).
CertificationAfter passing the field inspection and meeting all organic seeds standards, the seed grower receives an official crop certificate
Harvesting Equipment SanitationBefore and during harvest, seed growers protect quality by investing extra time cleaning their harvesting, transfer and storage equipment.
HarvestingAt the proper stage of maturity, the seed crop is harvested by the seed grower.
Separate Seed StorageTo preserve varietal purity and provide a traceability record, Certified seed requires separate storage bins to preserve unique genetic identities.
Testing and GradingFGS Regulations require MoAI-accredited graders to verify that pedigreed seed is tested by accredited labs for compliance with standards for germination and physical purity.
Bagging and TaggingCertified seed is packaged and labeled by variety name with an official Certified seed tag.
MarketCertified seed is made available to the market.